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A Simple Way To Fuel Fitness

The benefits of regular physical activity are indisputable. Regular exercise is a key element of a healthy lifestyle and is known to help prevent disease, enhance wellbeing and increase lifespan. But whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, the mantra ‘you can’t outrun a bad diet’ rings true for most us.

Workouts definitely do us good, but it is what we eat that really makes the difference for our individual fitness goals, body composition, cognitive wellbeing and long-term health.

Sale Price: £4.99 Original Price: £14.99

Sports nutrition was once exclusively used by athletes as a way of hitting the required ‘weight goals’ in their chosen activity. However, it is now well established that what you eat can make improvements far beyond body composition. Consuming the right balance of food groups for your body and personal fitness goals can help boost performance, strength and endurance, as well as aiding swift recovery, meaning fewer injuries too.

This ebook provides practical advice and guidance while simplifying the complex world of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It looks at how nutrition has the power to impact directly on your training goals and therefore how you can utilise it to achieve optimum results – whether you are a beginner in your chosen discipline, or are already applying some of the elements of sports nutrition to your training plan.

Sale Price: £4.99 Original Price: £14.99

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