Appetite is our natural desire to eat food to satisfy our bodily needs. It may result from internal cues such as hunger or external hedonic cues such as foods we find appealing (1, 2). Working from home the past year, I can personally say my screen time has increased. This is consistent with…
Read MoreAround the world, a few select geographical regions have been designated Blue Zones due to a significantly higher life expectancy in these areas compared to anywhere else on the planet. The Blue Zones include the Italian island of Sardinia; the Greek island Ikaria; Okinawa, Japan…
Read MoreGestational diabetes mellitus, or GDM, is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant people. According to the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (1), GDM is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance that is not clearly pre-existing diabetes. Having GDM can increase the…
Read MoreA survey last year found that adults will try 126 different diets during their lifetime, with an average of 2-3 a year.[1] The top five diets were the 5:2 diet (intermittent fasting), Atkins and keto diets (very low carbohydrate), a cabbage soup diet and juice cleanses. You will likely have tried…
Read MoreIn recent years, evidence has demonstrated the important role of the gut in maintaining good general health. It is thought that this is largely due to the influence of the gut microbiota, the community of trillions of microorganisms that reside along the digestive tract. In fact, our…
Read MoreWe have a population which is growing and living to an older age, so how can we contribute to health in those years? One way which the research has investigated is through keeping active (1). In the context of this article physical activity refers to any bodily movement produced…
Read MoreRed meat includes beef, pork, lamb and offal, as well as perhaps less commonly consumed meats such as venison and goat. Red meat has received a lot of bad press over the last years, particularly in relation to climate change and to health, such as bowel cancer risk…
Read MoreThere is a two-way communication between our gut and brain, named the gut-brain axis, which has several effects on our physiological and psychological health. One way this communication works is through our gut hormones and gut microbiome (1). Research in this area has been growing…
Read More10 calorie jelly, matcha, low calorie hot chocolate, and coconut oil are just some of the 'superfoods' we've seen shared rapidly across Instagram by influencers as a perfect accompaniment to support your diet and health. I want to start by reiterating that it’s ok to eat these foods…
Read MoreI’m sure anyone who menstruates can appreciate the physical and mental pain associated with periods and although we may wish they’d go away – their absence can be a sign of a problem which requires investigation. 3-4% of people who menstruate will experience amenorrhea which…
Read MoreLet’s start with answering what the menstrual cycle is, because a lot of people don’t actually know. Broadly speaking the menstrual cycle is a 28-day cycle the female body goes through in order to prepare for potential pregnancy, but this isn’t always the same for everyone. Typically, there…
Read MoreWeight loss is notoriously hard in the UK. It is why the government have recently pledged £100 million to support people living with obesity to achieve and maintain a healthier weight[1]. The majority of the money (£70 million) is to be invested into weight management services, including…
Read MoreThe ketogenic diet; also known as the keto diet, has gained in popularity over the past few years for its claims surrounding weight loss. It involves having a high fat and protein diet, whilst restricting the amount of carbohydrates (1). The keto diet it is often termed a ‘low-carb’ diet, which…
Read MoreThere is a lot to think about in the first year of your baby's life, so Dentist & Co-Founder of Habox Katie Davis has put together everything you need to know to help you keep your baby’s mouth healthy…
Read MoreFood shopping is overwhelming and exhausting at the best of times and reading food labels adds another layer of complexity which requires time, energy and a solid nutritional understanding. Although there is legislation to protect consumers from false claims, there is still room for clever…
Read MorePolyphenols are a large family of naturally occurring plant compounds, with around 8000 different types (1). They are found in a variety of plant foods including many fruits, vegetables, tea, and cocoa. Although they are utilised by the plant as protection against UV radiation from the sun…
Read MoreFrom roasted potatoes to fries and mash, which all play significant roles in the British’s diet, it simply shows the importance of humble potatoes in the country. Potatoes are the fourth most important crop in the world, coming after rice, wheat and maize.[1] They are eaten as a staple food…
Read MoreThis week, 1-7 February 2021, is Children’s Mental Health week in the UK, which aims to highlight the importance of mental health within children and young people [1]. If you are a parent, there is absolutely no doubt that you are likely to be finding these current circumstances…
Read MoreThe use of food as a reward occurs when good behaviour has been performed and a child is rewarded with an item of food, which more often than not has little to no nutritional value, for instance, sweets and chocolate. Once a child is rewarded for their good behaviour, they then associate the action…
Read MoreOptimising bone and dental health are important in the prevention of several diseases and conditions such as osteoporosis (porous bone), osteomalacia (soft bone) and dental caries (tooth decay) which have the potential to cause us a lot of discomfort. The good news is that we…
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