About Rhiannon Lambert.
Rhiannon Lambert is one of the UK’s leading nutritionists, a Sunday Times bestselling author and chart-topping podcast host.
In 2016 she founded Rhitrition, a renowned Harley Street clinic, which specialises in weight management, sports nutrition, eating disorders, and pre- and post-natal nutrition.
Where it all started
Enrolling to study nutrition at the University of Roehampton was a life-changing decision for Rhiannon and one that, in part, she was driven to from firsthand experience of how easily we can fall into dysfunctional relationships with food; how pressures to look a certain way can lead to a pursuit of dietary quick fixes that are a world away from a relaxed and healthy enjoyment of food.
At the age of 17, Rhiannon was an aspiring soprano singer, thrust into the limelight having won Classic FM's young musician of the year. Schooled at The Royal Academy of Music and singing on stage at the likes of the Royal Albert Hall and Paris Fashion Week, she appeared to be living the most thrilling life.
Into the light
But after four years suffering the pressures of the music industry, compounded by fuelling herself with passing dietary fads, Rhiannon looked at her career and thought ‘I don't want this any more’. While a complete career change is rare, it is one of the best moves she ever made. Following four gruelling yet thrilling years, she obtained undergraduate and master's degrees in nutrition, and started a new life as a fledgling nutritionist.
Having founded Rhitrition in 2016, a private Harley Street clinic, together with her specialist team, Rhiannon now works with individuals and leading brands to support their health and wellbeing. Our ethos is simple:
“We believe in empowering everyone to embrace a healthy way of living through the food we enjoy and the life we lead. Our bodies really are as unique as our personalities, so each of us should strive to find a way of eating that works for us individually.”
Using science and cold hard facts
It is through Rhiannon’s experience in the clinic that she has come to learn just how widespread pseudoscience is. “It's everywhere, from the labels in the supermarket, to the ads that pop up in your Instagram feed, and most of all in magazines: bold statements in jargon that give the false impression they're supported by laboratory research.”
With her experience and knowledge Rhiannon and her team believe in the opposite approach: cold hard facts that inform and teach us - helping shape the way we all think about food like never before.
A tailored, individual, client-led approach
Rhiannon and her team understand more than most, that each and every client has a different story, different background and therefore different needs. We use our approach to get to the core of each problem, and work out a path to success that will not only prove successful for our clients, but will be sustainable. Setting them on a path to nutritional happiness and a healthier, positive future.